Monday, October 19, 2009

Beyonce, youtube and the NYT

I am feeling out of the loop the past week or so.

First my friend/yoga teacher gave me a copy of a CD she used during a class a couple of weeks ago. It had this song on it.

Then I heard it on Glee. Then this conversation took place.

Me: I really like this song. I'll bet we'll be hearing it a ton.

Pauly: What!? Mom, this song came out last spring, listen to the radio once in a while.

Well! I never!! . . . listen to the radio apparently.

Then the big wedding was on The Office. They kept referring to a YouTube Video.

. . . I had to look it up.

I hate not being in on the joke!

Then, there was this funny article in the NYT last week, about this blog. How did I miss this?!? Since my discovery, I have spent an unacceptable amount of time looking at the pictures and giggling at the captions.

Dear Internet,

I am sorry that I have not given you the attention you deserve the past few months. I promise to spend less time with my children and husband and more time with you making sure I know Beyonce's latest songs and and that I am in on all the jokes, that I will be watching later on Hulu.


1 comment:

Mindi said...

this sounds like the story of my life lately. but now, why did all of the links not work?

was that ON PURPOSE? kind of like a sabatoge 'object lesson'?