Friday, June 13, 2008

More Netflix

Speed Racer~ I wanted the kids to see the original so they would get it when they saw the movie. The cartoons we watched growing up were so different than what my kids watch. On one hand this is very violent, people are dying left and right in terrible car accidents, on the other hand there is an innocence here that the burping, farting, sarcastic cartoon characters of today don't have.

I love how someone's car goes off a cliff and blows up and they all keep racing. Nice.

The Great Debaters~ A true story. I really liked this but then I love almost everything that Denzel Washington does.

Hairspray~ We actually own this one but it has become one of our favorites. Great cast, wonderful music and fantastic choreography. Our favorite line, "So this is love? Well love is a gift, some people don't remember that. So you better get ready for a whole lot of ugly comin' at you from a never ending parade of stupid." "So, you've met my mom?" Queen Latifa and John Travolta are the best!

Alvin and the Chipmunks~ The kids liked this. I didn't get to see it, however I'm not very disappointed.

Remember the Titans~ This is on T.V. all the time but since we don't have T.V. (sniff sniff) I haven't see this in over a year. It is one of my favorite movies. A true story and a really good one. I LOVE a story when someone makes the hard choice or stands up for what's right.

Moonlighting Season 3 Disc 2~ This disc has the "Atomic Shakespeare" episode. They did a version of The Taming of the Shrew (which is the first play I ever saw at the Shakespeare Festival in Cedar City) and it is excellent and funny. The best line, "We hate iambic pentameter!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved Remember the Titans, also. Can't wait to see The Great Debaters. I have a crush on Denzel.