Sunday, November 25, 2007

Service Project

If you work with the youth at church then you know it is tough so come up with a good service project. It seems like a project is either so easy, there is no satisfaction for a job well done or it is so hard that it makes everyone never want to do it again.

My favorite youth service project is gathering food for a local food bank. It is easy organize and very satisfying.

I take the kids to a grocery store and we ask them to donate a bunch of paper grocery bags. (100-200 depending on the size of my group). We staple a cute note to it, explaining what we are doing. The kids assemble the bags and deliver them to houses in a neighborhood close by. One week later we get someone with a pickup to follow us as we knock on each door and gather the bags. Then we deliver the food to the food bank.

~People are so happy to donate a few cans of food.
~The kids love running up the block, knocking on doors.
~I don't have to make a million phone calls or coordinate a bunch of schedules.
~The best part is that the kids get the satisfaction of actually unloading the food at the food back and seeing the good they have done.

I've done this with different groups of kids in the last 3 wards we've been in, I just did again with the Activity Days Girls. What a good project!