Friday, August 17, 2007


When I was five, my mom took me to an old church or school on Crest Street to get my kindergarten immunizations. I am sure Sara and Josh and maybe Jake were in tow as well. I was scared. When it was my turn, and with the panic rising, they took me into a classroom that was empty other than some desks and chairs. I started crying and as they began to give me instructions, I tried to make a break for it. At one point someone was chasing me around the room and I distinctly remember pushing or throwing a chair behind me trying to impede the progress of my pursuer. They caught me, several adults held me down while I screamed in hysterics. Then the nurse gave me the first shot . . . it didn't hurt, I was immediately embarrassed and I think I tried to explain myself. For some reason, that didn't go over well. I wanted to hide. I looked up at my mom and . . . well , let’s just say I didn't get the look of understanding I was hoping for. OOOOOO! She was so mad at me!

Gloria got her shots today and she was scared. I told her the story, as I have told the others. And just like the others, she calmed down quickly. Even a five year old knows lame when they hear it.


Anonymous said...

Lucy gets a shot everyday. On Sunday she fell asleep without having it. So I prepped her arm and gave it to her while she slept. She never even flinched... She is tougher than me and WAY tougher than you...

Anonymous said...

Awesome story, Rachel!

Mom in Mendon said...

Makes me laugh out loud, picturing you running around the room. I guess it didn't seem too funny to me at the time.