Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I've always wanted to run up those steps . .

Did you know we love to watch movies? Well, we do. When we lived in Germany we didn’t have T.V. half the time so we started watching lots of movies.

It is so great when the kids get old enough to move from Angles in the Outfield to more grown up stuff. This week we are watching all the Rocky movies. We are on Rocky III.

Dan is probably a little young but he liked them. Whenever we would get to a part with dialog that has entrenched itself in popular culture (lines like "yo Adrian", or "cut me Mick"), the kids would say, "hey I never knew that was from these movies!" It has been fun. They really are great (the kids, not necessarily the movies)!

1 comment:

Megan said...

We love the Rocky movies too.
Rachel, you do have awesome kids! We like them tons