Thursday, August 16, 2007

Happy Birthday Aunt Robin

It is my Aunt Robin Stanley's birthday today. Robin is one of my favorite people in the whole world. She is smart and interesting and always in the middle of a project or a class or an article she is writing and she always sounds happy to hear my voice on the phone. I love being with her. A few things you may not know about Robin:

Her name is Robin, her brother's name is Rob and her maiden name is Robinson.

She is a master gardener. If she doesn't know the answer about a plant, she knows someone who does.

She volunteers and works hard at her church.

She is a graduate of Northwestern University.

She misses her mom.

She went to high school with DEVO.

She loves to read the newspaper. She is also very busy, consequently, she always has a pile of them that she is working through.

She loves nature. Whether she is working, playing or reading she loves to be outside.

When I lived there, her dog was named Fauna and her cat was named Flora

She isn't happy unless she is doing something that makes the world a better place.

Happy Birthday Robin! I love you and I am so thankful you were born.


Liz Stanley said...

Happy Birthday Robin!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Robin Stanley! You are awesome.

Mom in Mendon said...

We love you, Robin. Happy day. Happy forever!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday aunt robin! it was good to see you guys last week! hope you're having a fun time in canada!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful birthday gift. Thank you so much for sharing such sweet and funny memories. I can't believe you remember all this stuff. You're the best!