We slaughtered the roosters yesterday. None of us looked forward to it and it wasn't fun but I think it was a good thing. I wanted the three oldest to kill at least one and sent everyone out to join Paul when they got home from school. Robin went out but cried until Paul sent her into the house. Whew! She was mad at me. Robin calmed down and came back out to help but wouldn’t kill anything. Paul and Dan toughed it out. Paul was happy to see them go. He kept saying as soon as the roosters were gone, his work was going to be cut in half. Dan was sad and didn’t want to do it but he killed one, I was proud of him. I even made myself stay out there and watch. Big Paul of course, was out there the whole time. He didn’t like it but he was much more matter of fact about the whole thing than I was. Sara was the only one who refused. She was not going out, no matter what I threatened her with. We are all

so squeamish and wimpy, I could just see out pioneer ancestors, sitting up there making such fun of us.
Even though I like my meat wrapped in plastic in the meat department at the grocery store, I think there is something so important about understanding where our food comes from. I liked how Erin Stanley put it, "I liked that our kids saw the process of something living being cooked and eaten, instead of just coming in a package."
It was also interesting to me how little meat there was on these chickens. I take for granted that I can buy a 2 lb. chicken or a 4 lb. chicken at the grocery stor

e. What if this was our only source of meat? How would I have fed them differently? Would we have slaughtered them so soon? How big would they have grown?
I am happy it is all over and that we have several freezer bags full of chicken in the fridge. It has given me lots to think about.
well, I think its been officially confirmed, both Danny and Paul are tougher than their uncle Salem.
In 9th grade I asked to be excused from Biology when the class disected worms, crawdads, pigs, and frogs.
Even today, Megan takes care of the spiders for me.
Robin, Don't worry. Plenty of people have gotten through life without slaughtering anything--pioneer women included.
xoxox Grandma
You guys are cool. I'm actually jealous. I want some chickens to slaughter, although I probably couldn't do it myself. Think about what good quality, natural meat you have though - do they taste better than stuff from the store?
If you aren't going to slaughter the chickens who will? Josh? Have you met my brother?
Salem, we agree.
Mom, shhhh Robin might hear you.
Erin, I am going to need a little distance from yesterday's images before I can give you an answer.
Sara, I am going to agree with you. I noticed that Josh was missing from the lobster pictures. He was probably crying in the bedroom or with Salem on the phone.
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