Monday, February 21, 2011

A Good Sunday

We were so worried about our little Branch when we considered this move. Although we knew they would be just fine without us, we have grown to love these people we have worked with and served with these past 4 years. Part of us felt like we were abandoning them.

Yesterday our stake announced huge boundary changes. The changes were great. The Lindale Branch was swallowed up into the Tyler 2nd ward. I feel so good leaving know that my dear friends will have help to continue their work in this area.

Looking forward, Paul found a great house for us. It has an easy commute for him, great schools for the kids and a swimming pool with a diving board for me. Sadly, it has a green living room but they have already given us permission to paint it. There is a question about who has dibs on this house so keep your fingers crossed for us.

What a good day!

1 comment:

Mom in Mendon said...

Wow. That WAS a big day. Is the picture from the actual house?