Dan's pinewood derby was Friday evening. He got 3rd in the best of show category (don't they look thrilled?). The first pic is what his car looked like when it was 1oz. The second is what the bottom looked like when it was 5oz, the top was covered with coins as well, they were out of weights. Dan was happy. I didn't realize this was our last pinewood derby until Gabby mentioned this was Ralph's, in her blog a week or so ago. I'm a little sad.

Robin made it to the district speech tournament and she won 2nd place for her poetry reading this weekend!! She is going on to regionals in two weeks, if she makes it into the top 3 there, she will go to state! It was a two day tournament and she came home so happy but exhausted Saturday night. (I took this yesterday after church when she finally got a chance to relax.)
yay for your great kids--i esp. loved the whole olympic medal stand they were on. classic
Congrats to Robin. That is spectacular!
Way to go, Dan!! We think you're great!! Love, Grandma
(The University students have a Pinewood Derby with their own rules. Some attach C02 cartridges to their cars. Pretty speedy.)
Robin, Glad to see you getting some rest! Good luck in your competition, Sweetheart. Love, Grandma
Way to go Dan! Hope you got to keep the change.
Congrats and good luck Robin!
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